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  1. Can the Army and Subcommander be flipped?
  2. What are the allowed actions?  Do the assets move to reveal target locations; simply target any opposing square (like battleship); something else?
  3. Can only one token be spent per turn, if so why win tokens?
  4. Does the spymaster need to use an asset's specific name when they take an action, or just declare "My army..."
  5. What's the difference between "Identifying an occupied space" and "damaging an asset" -- doesn't identifying occur if and only if damage is dealt?
(1 edit)

1. yes! all units can be flipped and switched around like in standard Battleship.

2. you can perform a single action per turn by spending tokens,  or pass on a turn to save tokens. I'll update the language soon to clarify that.

3. no, you can spend as many tokens as is required for the listed actions

4. because the rules say "reveal an asset to earn a token," it is presumed that you do not reveal your asset until you want to earn a token. you can choose to say which asset performed the action, but generally speaking, you can just say "your network"

5. identifying an asset means revealing if a space on the grid is occupied. you can then spend two tokens to damage that space – of course, you do not have to know whether or not a space is occupied to damage that space. in short, they are separate actions